Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I've put all of the items in my etsy store on sale. I'm moving them out to bring in new work. You can find it here: www.dakotasunstudios.etsy.com Please stop by and take a look. If it strikes your fancy, please heart me. I will visit your store and heart you back.

Okay, so people who don't do etsy are shaking their heads right now. Don't worry it's a good thing! Just ask Martha. Or Marther as Joey says. I would just love to talk that for a day. Like Joey, not Martha.

Anyway, I lost my mojo for awhile, or maybe it lost me. Okay, I was just lost. But, I'm back to the torch making fish, goddesses, focals or whatever strikes my fancy. And I'm having fun which is the very best part!

I actually do have more to say so I will try to update more frequently.

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