Monday, February 18, 2013

A tablet, a phone and a little desire

I'm going to try this again, maybe. This time I come equiped with a new tablet - heck I never had an old one. A new fancy smart phone and a true desire to see if I can do it! The hardest part is spelling and thinking of something to write about. The next hard part is going to be how to make the bells and whistles work, like how to make this not show up on Facebook.  Input appreciated!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A stranger

to my own blog? Sure looks that way! And I still haven't found a decent coral. I've moved on with that design but I'm still looking for that soft coral colored glass.

For all my talented friends out there~
I just saw a post from Jen Geldard on Facebook about a metal stamp giveaway that Lori Anderson is having on her site.

Fun, fun stamps! And Lori's site is full of fun beady/jewelry related things so check this out

It's a good blog even if you are not looking for metal stamps!


Monday, April 19, 2010

A soft coral

I'm looking for the perfect soft coral to pair with transparent light aqua to match the perfectly divine outfit I just found. I have the aqua beads made and necklace designed, I just can't settle on a coral that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.

Any ideas?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Check it out - I'm here!

Let me stand up and dust myself off a bit. Whew - haven't been here in ages. I just got my etsy store re-opened - it was pretty dusty too. But heck, now there are some pretty beads there - or were. That's a good thing! Many thanks to my buyers.

Summer was really hectic for our entire family, more so than ever. Finally, everyone is settled into their groove and I can make beads. Make beads, clean beads, take pictures, edit photos and list beads. It's the editing photo's that chaps my a**. I mean really, I'm not that bad of a photographer - if you are a horse, or a kid. Correcting bead images is not a talent I possess and it shows. But did I tell you that I once had a son who is a photographer? Who edits photo's with just a click and wiggle of the mouse? Well, there must be some kind of look on my face or sound in my voice because said son quickly becomes a figment of my imagination when I'm struggling with bead images. Oh, Seth ~ did you forget about how I took care of you when you had influenza? Or the dinner's I cook, the errands I run? Your mother needs serious help... quickly. And all you have to do is click and wiggle.

Even though Seth has disappeared, my mojo is back! I think it got scared off for a while but hey, we're buddies again. All is well!

I have lots of pretty new glass to play with. My goal, of course, is to run through every pound of it between now and oh, a week from Tuesday! Wouldn't that be grand? It could happen, but most likely won't. I know I make good sized beads but not that good sized. And there are already so many beads piled here and there. There's just not THAT much room.

Toodle - ooo!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Public Service Announcement

This is a test of my public broadcast system. The purpose is to find out if this shows up on my facebook. If it does how in the heck do I get it off of there?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, I told you I have alot to say!

I changed my avatar photo here. I just want to make it clear that my hair isn't green.


I've put all of the items in my etsy store on sale. I'm moving them out to bring in new work. You can find it here: Please stop by and take a look. If it strikes your fancy, please heart me. I will visit your store and heart you back.

Okay, so people who don't do etsy are shaking their heads right now. Don't worry it's a good thing! Just ask Martha. Or Marther as Joey says. I would just love to talk that for a day. Like Joey, not Martha.

Anyway, I lost my mojo for awhile, or maybe it lost me. Okay, I was just lost. But, I'm back to the torch making fish, goddesses, focals or whatever strikes my fancy. And I'm having fun which is the very best part!

I actually do have more to say so I will try to update more frequently.