Sunday, November 8, 2009

Check it out - I'm here!

Let me stand up and dust myself off a bit. Whew - haven't been here in ages. I just got my etsy store re-opened - it was pretty dusty too. But heck, now there are some pretty beads there - or were. That's a good thing! Many thanks to my buyers.

Summer was really hectic for our entire family, more so than ever. Finally, everyone is settled into their groove and I can make beads. Make beads, clean beads, take pictures, edit photos and list beads. It's the editing photo's that chaps my a**. I mean really, I'm not that bad of a photographer - if you are a horse, or a kid. Correcting bead images is not a talent I possess and it shows. But did I tell you that I once had a son who is a photographer? Who edits photo's with just a click and wiggle of the mouse? Well, there must be some kind of look on my face or sound in my voice because said son quickly becomes a figment of my imagination when I'm struggling with bead images. Oh, Seth ~ did you forget about how I took care of you when you had influenza? Or the dinner's I cook, the errands I run? Your mother needs serious help... quickly. And all you have to do is click and wiggle.

Even though Seth has disappeared, my mojo is back! I think it got scared off for a while but hey, we're buddies again. All is well!

I have lots of pretty new glass to play with. My goal, of course, is to run through every pound of it between now and oh, a week from Tuesday! Wouldn't that be grand? It could happen, but most likely won't. I know I make good sized beads but not that good sized. And there are already so many beads piled here and there. There's just not THAT much room.

Toodle - ooo!