Monday, January 26, 2009

Rockin' the Goddess Tut

Just like many other beadmakers, I've bought tuts. I really like most of them. I love the Goddess Bead Tutorial by Teresa Laliberte'!

She does a stupendous job of teaching how to make these beads and adds in all of the little tidbits that make them special. She does such a nice job that I was able to make a decent, healthy goddess first time out. I'm pretty much addicted to them. They come to life in the flame, each of them unique. Kinda like real people.

So, I've been rockin' the goddess beads - they are taking a bath at the moment. Tomorrow, after their nap, I'll have the girls pose for a few pic's.

Til then....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Better or Worse

Someone said to me today "I don't know which would be worse - to have Alzheimer's or to get really ill". Having spent the last 48 hours traveling for or with someone with Alzheimer's. I have an opinion, not an answer.

I think it would be far better to have Alzheimer's than become seriously ill. Why? With Alzheimer's I don't think you always know how bad things are. If you are ill - you are painfully aware.

I believe it is terribly painful to be a family member of someone who has Alzheimer's. So, I'm sure they would answer differently. I do know is terribly painful to watch a family member begin to show the signs of Alzheimer's at a fairly early age. And scarey.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A better place

Sometimes making beads in my studio is just the better place to be.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The week in review

And what a week it has been!

It's been warm the last few days ~ in the 50's. Which means we are starting our slide into Spring. It won't come fast or easy but we are on the downhill part of Winter. Yay!

My crown popped off while I was eating those yummy cinnamon jelly hearts by Brach's late Friday afternoon. Of course, the dentist is closed and we are flying out of here at 0600 on Monday morning. I jammed it back on there. That worked until I decided to have a Milky Way for breakfast! This time it is glued on so I hope it stays until Wed when I can get to the dentist. Do you think this means I should lay off the candy? But I so love those cinnamon jelly hearts. 'Tis the season you know!

I am starting work this coming Thursday as a floral designer. I'm absolutely thrilled. Being in that environment is going to keep my muse happy, so expect great things in the bead arena!

Tomorrow at 0600 I will head out with our friend Tim to McAllen TX to pick up his mom. She has Alzheimer's and is moving in to a really cool nursing care facility here. Luckily we got our flights arranged so we get there about mid-afternoon. We will head to his mom's and finish getting her stuff packed up. Tuesday mid-morning we will start our journey back home. I'm a bit curious as to how that will go because we will be in-transit for at least 10 hours before we arrive at the nursing home here to get her settled. I'm not sure how all of this flying, changing planes etc is going to work for her. We do have a light sedative ~ hopefully that will keep her from becoming terribly agitated.

Now, I am headed out to the studio to make beads. I need a little peaceful time to myself!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside

Correcting images, posting beads on etsy - what better way to spend a day when the temps don't get above 0. I've been at my computer most of the day and not once have I seen the weatherbug say anything different than zero. It was 36 around midnight though!

My sister-in-law, Marne shared this today and it's oh so true!

It's winter in South Dakota
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At thirty-five below.

Oh, how I love South Dakota
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave South Dakota
I'm frozen to the friggin' ground!

It's actually really pretty out with the new snow. I'm just glad I'm in ~ not out. It was 50 here yesterday and the wind was gusting up to 70mph. If we even had a slight wind today it would be a blizzard.

Seth's here. He's outside melting glass. Tuxedo Brownies in the oven and it smells heavenly.

I digress.... I was really going to talk about Effetre Yellow Ochre and Vetrofond Wasabi Green. Later, tomorrow.... sometime I will.

Monday, January 12, 2009

When something bugs me ~ I make beads

Something is bugging me ~ so I spent a lot of time making beads yesterday. It helps. And in return I have some fantastic beads to show for it. So, it's good for me and it's good for you!

Recently I agonized over which size and style of Zoozii's straight-sided lentil press to get for focals. Finally, the decision was made and the large slim SSL press arrived at the end of last week. Then we had company and no opportunity to try it out. But yesterday was the day and I must say it's just perfect!

I asked for and received input from my friends on the lampworketc forum on which press to buy. Someone there almost always has an answer for anything glassy. Someone always has an opinion too ~ which makes it a good thing!

I have a lot of focals from yesterday to clean and photograph. I am pleased with all of them actually.

But, there's still something bugging me........ keep your eyes out for more new beads this week. I have a feeling it's going to be a beading week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today is the day

Okay, I don't know what I want to say..... but, I have to say something. I am determined to get my blog rolling. If I don't just say something it obviously won't get rolling.

Why is it I can always think of a million things to say, but when I decide to do this they always leave my mind? It's not that my thoughts are irrelevant. I think it has more to do with being somewhat of a perfectionist. What if I spell something wrong or my vocabulary sucks?

Or the fact that most blogs I go to look lovely and the blogs are always about cool things. I don't have anything cool to say. I don't know how to make it look lovely.

But I am going to try. Today. I tried.